“The 2020 Brokered Patent Market.” Richardson et. al. IAM Media (November 2020)

A surge in NPE activity is beginning even as corporate buying is declining - time to hug your defensive aggregator.

After 10 years analysing the patent market, we have some very direct advice this year. If you are in-house counsel, to borrow a line from Samuel L Jackson: “Hold onto your butts.” These next few years are going to be tough. If you have not already signed up with a defensive aggregator such as Unified Patents, RPX, the Open Invention Network, the License on Transfer (LOT) Network or Allied Security Trust (AST), we recommend dusting off your defensive strategy and re-evaluating it.

This article first appeared in IAM, published by Law Business Research – IP Division.

Our 2020 Brokered Market Report is available for free download here.


“IAM Strategy 300 Global Leaders 2021.” IAM Media (January 2021)


“LOT Network: Why the Largest Portfolio in the World Reduces Risk From Patent Assertion Entities.” Seddon et. al. The Patent Lawyer (December 2020)