“The Brokered Patent Market in 2022.” Richardson et. al. IAM Media (April 2023)

“Every Patent, Everywhere, All at Once" is the subtitle to this year's Richardson Oliver secondary patent market report. Erik Oliver, Michael Costa, and Kent Richardson have greatly expanded the data sets to cover more than 16,000 patent sales offerings including more than 280,000 patent assets. Some key takeaways: it's a great time to be a patent buyer; of the deals that closed, brokers closed an amazing 90% of them; prices declined but not across the board and not for patents that sell (prices of patents that sell are more consistent). Whether you are buying, selling, valuing, or monetizing patents, you're sure to find answers in our latest report. Thanks to Angela Morris, Rachel Mountain, and the rest of the IAM team for the help in getting this report out.

 This article first appeared in IAM, published by Law Business Research – IP Division.

Our 2022 Brokered Market Report is available for free download here.


“The 2021 Brokered Patent Market.” Richardson et. al. IAM Media (March 2022)