“Now a Big Company Wants You to Take a Patent License...” Richardson et. al. IPWatchdog (July 2017)

Most high technology companies have a good grasp of the challenges and solutions for dealing with patent trolls. However, successful high technology startups face a threat beyond patent trolls: large corporate patent asserters looking to license their patents. These companies are not patent trolls by most definitions, and companies should adapt their approach to handling patent assertions from these kinds of companies. We explore how we worked with a successful startup client to handle such an assertion.

“Now a Big Company Wants You to Take a Patent License...” Richardson et. al. IPWatchdog (July 2017), available here.


“Patent Monetization: Buy, Sell, License, Hold?” Richardson. The National Association of Patent Practitioners - Annual Meeting & Conference 2017 (July 2017)


“Boot Camp: Patent Sales.” Binns et. al. IPBC Global 2017 Ottawa (June 2017)