“Advanced Patent Licensing 2018.” Practising Law Institute (September 2018)

In the current legal environment, with patent litigation on the decline (especially in the U.S.), patent licensing (and related transactions) are heating up. Experts in patent licensing will discuss how to negotiate patent license agreements, review examples of best (and, in some cases, worst) practices, and share current legal developments affecting patent licensing. Practical tips for structuring, negotiating and drafting patent licenses, with strategies for both the licensor and licensee, will be emphasized. 

“Advanced Patent Licensing 2018.” Practising Law Institute (September 2018), event details here.


“Brokered Patents Are Not Junk—and the Reasons Will Surprise You.” Ågren et. al. IPWatchdog (January 2019)


“Google Makes First Sale in U.S. Brokered Patent Market.” Nayak. Bloomberg Law (August 2018)